Explore 25 mysterious scenes and track down 2,100 hidden objects that will lead you to safety. Can you find your way back home? You'll need a sharp eye to solve this captivating hidden object game. Escape Rosecliff Island Game Download Find out what players think about Escape Rosecliff Island before you play. A bit of info etc inbetween was fine but Im. We just enjoy(ed) looking for objects buried in among lots of other stuff on the screen. Ill have a look at Millionaire Manor and Escape Rosecliff Island.
Escape rosecliff manor game full version#
Explore 25 mysterious scenes and track down 2,100 hidden objects that Find the Clues, Escape the Island! An unexpected storm has left you shipwrecked on a mysterious private island. Escape Rosecliff Island Full Version Includes: Over 2100 cleverly hidden objects to find. I also liked Escape Rosecliff Island (older game). Summary: Find the Clues, Escape the Island! An unexpected storm has left you shipwrecked on a mysterious private island.